Tag: Spirituality in Business

W is for Will

I’ve been thinking about this blog for awhile, specifically the intention I had in mind “ what I wanted to convey regarding our will. The third step of the Twelve Step Program came to mind: We turn our will over to the care of a higher power as we understand it (The original version is: We made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God, as we understand him. Quite often, people are turned off by the religious components of the twelve steps, so I am paraphrasing in order to hopefully make this

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V is for Vulnerability

You must have seen it coming: after all of these weeks … From the moment we are born we are vulnerable to “ well, to everything. Very quickly, and as best we can we begin to tap into strategies that keep us invulnerable to starvation for nourishment and nurturing. We begin to calculate “developing strategic ways to get what we need and perhaps what we want. Our parents can tell a cry that means a diaper needs changing from a cry that says I’m hungry. We learn very quickly how to take care of the situation and minimize vulnerability. As

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U is for Ubiquitous and Universality

I love the word ubiquitous. It’s got big energy. It has a quality of being that is bigger than, more expansive and universal in nature. It means everywhere, ever present, all pervading omnipresent, universal. So yes, this does describe that aspect of spirituality in business that I’m wanting to capture “ that quality of presence that is always and everywhere: It’s pervasive in grace and glory and its capacity to transform business is beyond the beyond. Look at all of the writings on leadership and business practices that intend to provide more effective, more prosperous practices for corporations, businesss, investors

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S is for Sacrifice

I grew up in Michigan in a large Catholic Family in the 50’s and 60’s. I was taught that sacrifice was the price you paid to get into heaven. In service to this I let go of my wants, needs, thoughts and feelings. What I was left with when I hit my 30’s was pretty much an empty shell of a being and became, to some extent robotic “ exclusively looking outside myself for commands for me to follow. I was terrified to think, feel or act on my own volition. Having never been given a copy of the blue

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R is for Resistance

I’m experiencing resistance to writing this blog. I feel angry, frustrated and distracted by, well … It’s more that I’m allowing myself to get distracted; that way I can avoid being with what I don’t want to be with. You might be asking “ as I would, if I were you, why I’m resisting writing if I’m in the business of writing? Even though I enjoy writing, it’s challenging at times to put words and sentences together in a way that articulates what I’m wanting to say. Sometimes it comes easy and every so often it’s more challenging to get

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Q is for Question Reality

I read on the back of a car many years ago a bumper sticker that read "Question Reality!" Up until that time my life had been a mish mash of confusing circumstances, and it was a revelatory experience to take these two words deeply into my soul. I breathed deeply and felt as though I’d been given a sign that there was light at the end of the tunnel. At this same time, the context of my life did not include any mechanisms, supports or guidance that would allow me to take on questioning reality as an overt practice. My

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P is for Power

In my first book, Self-Empowerment 101, I devote the first chapter solely to the subject of power. The reason is that through power and the energy that generates power, every event since the Big Bang is a result of that power. Regardless of how power is used “ whether in alignment with evil or good intentions, to look small and helpless or to be a superpower, all is generated from the same source. Power is often synonymous with force; taking against the will of the other, be it from sentient or non-sentient beings, for the sole purpose of gain. Gaining

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O is for Obligation

One evening as I was laying in bed, preparing for a restful night of slumber, a voice from inside my head said: "I want to live my own life?" I was shocked with this outburst as I am one of the most independent individuals I know; I live a thousand miles away from my husband, on a secluded island off the coast of Washington; I work independently and live happily in my very solitary existence. What more is required for me to live my own life? I realized later, that though I live and work alone I carry many people

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N is for Noticing

Noticing is the most powerful tool for cultivating awareness and for bringing valuable spiritual concepts to the workplace. Most importantly though, is having the intention to notice, in order to notice whether you are noticing or not. Notice, for a moment, what is occurring within your work environment. Notice the lighting, the sounds, the smells and what the space looks like to you. As you are noticing, notice what senses you are using to notice. Is it just your hearing, sight, smell and your touch? What other senses are engaged through noticing? What’s happening inside your body, what emotions or

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M is for Money and Mindfulness

Money Money is very much a spiritual issue. Some think that the pursuit of wealth couldn’t possibly be a path to enlightenment or spiritual serenity. We never know what our path will look like, what’s in store for us, or where our greatest learning opportunities will lay, awaiting our arrival so they can ambush us when we least expect it. It’s not money per se but our attitudes and action in relation to money that harm us and others. Fear, not money is the root of all evil, and when we fear that we don’t have enough, who knows what

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