Category: Being in Business

Ask Dr. Rosie: Reviewing Values, Regrets and Acknowledgements

From: Julia W. Boulder, Colorado Dear Dr. Rosie, I’m curious how you’ve prepared for this New Year? Did you evaluate and assess how things went for you in 2010 and make a list of what you want to have happen in 2011? What process did you follow to make this coming year better than the last? Look forward to seeing you at the next Colorado Wonderful Women’s Retreat in February. Julia ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From: Dr. Rosie Hi Julia, What comes along automatically for me with the end of a season, a cycle or a year is a process of questioning of

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Ask Dr. Rosie: Leadership and Character Building

There are numerous theories, models and systems, all developed to empower leaders to be more effective, more motivational and inspirational. The question arises “ how often do we as leaders actually use these theories, or better yet, take our own advice? How do we hold ourselves accountable as a corporate leader, a religious leader or a leader in a family. Specific codes, principles and rules are talked about yet are too often overlooked by the very people who speak them or even create them. I find that fascinating. What is it that has us ignore or avoid a way of

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Ask Dr. Rosie: Can I Get a Witness?

"I don’t want you to fix anything! I just want you to listen" How many times have you said this, or had this line said to you? Or, have you ever said this to someone, or had it said to you? "This isn’t about you! This is about me “ stop making it about YOU!" And, one more. . . "You are talking but you aren’t talking to me! I feel like I could walk away and you wouldn’t even notice." Ah! Listening and speaking, communicating, connecting. . . . What the heck are we up to? From these few

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Ask Dr. Rosie: Leadership and Loving Kindness

From: Karen, Montgomery, Alabama Dear Dr. Rosie I work as an HR person in a medium sized company here in Montgomery. I love my work because I get to use coaching skills to not only empower employees’ productivity but also create an environment that is fun and highly effective. Lately, though, the employees have been bringing me more challenging issues. I’m having to intervene in a way that feels forceful and imposing rather than my more usual style of empowering them through inquiry to take actions on their own behalf. Because there’s potential for harming themselves or being harmed by

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Ask Dr. Rosie: Power, Leadership and Humility

From: Sarah, Atlanta, Georgia Dear Dr. Rosie Thank you so much for your blogs. You provide an important perspective and provide inspiration at the same time. I’m beginning to develop my business as a Life and Business Coach. My intention is to work with people who are business directors and leaders. I’ve got to develop a sense of power in order to feel grounded in my coaching. I’ve read your book Self-Empowerment 101 and understand the importance of personal power, however I’m afraid the way that I choose to be powerful will come across as aggressive and pushy. I’m afraid

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Ask Dr. Rosie: The Constraints of No Boundaries

It’s not uncommon for children to grow up not knowing their own beautiful thoughts and feelings and their essential needs and wants. You might be asking "How can that be?" Well, it’s one of the ravages of families and the individuals inside them. They are at war with themselves with no one to mediate a peace treaty. In some ways we have no choice in the matter when it comes to which family we arrive into as infants. I don’t know a single soul who asked to be born into violence, depression, poverty and sickness. But here we are, thousands

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Reinterpreting Confrontation in Support of Transformational Leadership

From Aline, Montreal, Quebec, Canada Dear Dr. Rosie, I’m always amazed at what you bring to your column. You touch the heart and soul of who we are under all the layers of doing what we do, in our lives and in our work. For eight years I’ve been a director for a medium sized company. I see so much more potential for the company and for the people who work here. I want to practice being more authentic and present with my direct reports. I want to leave them with dignity. I want to practice being open, engaged and

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As a Leader, Leave them with their Dignity

In my capacity as a leadership coach I’ve been working with Hank, an executive in a Fortune 500 company who has been embroiled in a dispute with a particular associate for the past few weeks. The associate, we’ll call him Tom, is somewhat passive and resistant. When he feels like working he’s on top of his game and works harder and longer than any one of his team members. However, when he doesn’t feel like working, he rationalizes and justifies for not fulfilling his agreements. The more he is pushed to fulfill the less he does. Yesterday, Hank confronted Tom

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Creating a Business in Times of Uncertainty

From Sharon, Milwaukee, Wisconsin Dear Dr. Rosie, I’m focusing on getting my business off the ground. And, at the same time there is so much talk about an economic meltdown; I just don’t know what to do. Should I stay under my covers where I feel safe and wait for it all to do what it’s going to do or should I move forward with my intention and hope for the best? Your articles are written in such a way that they have a spiritual quality to them without being too religious or too woo-woo. This makes me feel comfortable

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Should I Go or Should I Stay?

From Ruby in Silicon Valley, California Dear Dr. Rosie, I’m so confused! Though I’m not very fulfilled in my current position within a high tech corporation, I like that if offers me freedom from worry about job security. Even with this economy requiring so much downsizing, I feel secure and that provides me with relief. On the other hand, I’m feeling like I’m missing out on something. I can’t really put words to it yet, but when I leave the office and am in traffic I begin to wonder what it would be like to have my own business, work

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