Tag: Faith

Ready for Take Off

This piece is dedicated to Emily Reed who passed away this week. We are grateful, Emily, for the gifts of your gracious presence on our dear Island. Sit Back and Relax Some people get on a plane and head out to their destination, effortlessly surrendering control to their pilots. Others are in the throes of panic – terrified of being out of control. Anxiety and fear of the unknown ride within them until they touch down at their destination. They are hyper-vigilant for that moment when the plane blows up or crashes. They await the moment of impact when powerless,

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Creating Heaven on Earth

Given all the reading and the phenomenal conversations I’ve had with individuals who have experienced near death experiences (NDE’s), and other spiritually transformative experiences (STE’s), I have no doubt that if I died today I would be immediately embraced by loving beings on the other side. I would experience uncompromising love, kindness and compassion. Immediately I would feel absolved of all my sins, mistakes and errors. The shame and guilt I thought were mine to bear for eternity evaporate into the light. I would be free. In this Heaven, there is no wanting, no needing, no hurt, no fear or

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When is Enough Enough?

Creating yourself as who you want to be can be anxiety provoking. You have no idea what your fullest potential looks like; it’s all unknown. Are you curious enough to endure anxious moments of not knowing for the sake of finding out? Are you willing to be fierce in your discipline, enough to practice 100% accountability, living into integrity, and aligning your actions with your highest truth? Can you be compassionate enough with yourself through this exploration, to allow yourself to fumble and be humbled by this amazing process of realizing your highest self, highest truth and highest potential? Can

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Devotion: Bringing the essence of every fiber of your being into this moment, presencing your energy into that which fuels the Divine Spark. In this place, I experience a nestled completeness among it all “ a totality of being Grace. This is my current experience of Devotion. Devotion has always been a challenging practice for me. Frankly as a child, I hated the idea of it. Devotion got me nowhere and nothing. Being at choice about who or what I was devoted to, well, there was no choice. Catholicism, my experience of it anyway, dictated devotion. I was supposed to

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Being Successful at Living Someone Elses Illusion

One of the fundamental truths I’ve been living with in my life is that I’m simply not enough and will never be enough. I can never do enough because I can never be enough “ you get the picture. Every day, I fail to bring about the magical miracle outcome that I hope will happen through completing ordinary tasks. The hope is unfulfilled. I’ve come to resist doing anything, or completing anything, because the evidence is that I will face the emptiness of unfulfilled expectations,… and I hate that feeling.   Empty of magic; empty of miracles; death of a

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E is for Empowerment, Engage and Essence

My experience with life in any business environment is, that these three words empowerment, essence and engage, are the most powerful. They support and enhance personal and professional growth for both you and the business within which you are employed. The degree to which you are engaged with your work and your environment from an empowered perspective is the degree to which you will experience fulfillment and healthy dynamics within the workplace. In my initial interviews with clients, regardless of their position, I ask: "What are you afraid people are going to find out or decide about you?" In quick

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While in the Midst of a Leap of Faith – There are no Pit Stops!

From: Maureen M. Boston, MA Dear Dr. Rosie, I so appreciate your articles. They are very grounding and make me feel more normal, even when I’m panicking and unsure that I’m doing the right thing. My life is topsy-turvy right now. I’m leaving a two year relationship, I’m moving away from family and friends on a quest to find myself and the work I want to do. People say I’m crazy but I really feel like this is what I’m supposed to be doing. I know I won’t be homeless or destitute, but I don’t know much else. Is there

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Creating a Business in Times of Uncertainty

From Sharon, Milwaukee, Wisconsin Dear Dr. Rosie, I’m focusing on getting my business off the ground. And, at the same time there is so much talk about an economic meltdown; I just don’t know what to do. Should I stay under my covers where I feel safe and wait for it all to do what it’s going to do or should I move forward with my intention and hope for the best? Your articles are written in such a way that they have a spiritual quality to them without being too religious or too woo-woo. This makes me feel comfortable

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Living Without a Doubt

From Patricia P. Dublin, Ireland. Dear Dr. Rosie, I’ve been reading your column for the past couple of months and so appreciate the depth you bring through your words. Thank you!!!! I’m losing my job at the end of September. My husband is still working but I’m so afraid there won’t be enough money to keeps things going while I find other work. I sometimes collapse under the anxiety and worry. How will this all turn out? How can I live with so much duress? It’s funny too, that I’ve lost my self-confidence. I just don’t believe that it’s all

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What if I’m Wrong?

In the course of any choice-making process, whether its regarding career, relationship, health, finances “ you name it, sometimes there is that underlying whisper gnawing at you as you take that first step, or even the 59th step: "What if I’m WRONG?" Do you know what I’m talking about? This past month I had a difference of opinion with an associate of mine. The conversation, as far as it went, didn’t satisfy my sense that we would be working this out in a way that would rebuild lost trust and connection. I severed the tie, I burnt the bridge and

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