Tag: fear-based beliefs


My client Stephanie needs to create a pitch to a potential client. She is bright, creative, and loves supporting her clients in making magic happen. However, when it comes to delivering her pitch, she sometimes collapses into a puddle of self-doubt and fears of rejection. Stephanie wants to make sure that doesn’t happen this time, so she’s come into our coaching session with this at the top of her wish list! "Magic exists," she says. "I know this 100%! And, I love to jump into a project with exuberance and anticipation of amazing things happening for my clients. This is

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Who Do I know Myself to Be?

Let me first say that you are a rare indi­vid­ual, indeed, to read a piece on spir­i­tu­al­iz­ing your human­ity. Maybe you didn’t know that’s what this arti­cle is about. Now you do, and that makes you rare! We think about our­selves as spir­i­tual beings, yet more often than not we live our lives as if the oppo­site were true. Many of us say we believe in a Universal Source “ Oneness, who is always lov­ing and who always pro­vides for us in every way pos­si­ble. Yet we often act from fear-based ideas, beliefs and inter­pre­ta­tions; the scarcity model. Though we

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